Informational Educational Videos


Beverly Police Officers Brian Long and Dan Brown appeared on Faces and Places on BevCam to talk about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from being scammed.

If you have questions about scams, you can contact Officer Brian Long and Officer Dan Brown at (978) 922-1212. You can also email Officer Long or Officer Brown.

Domestic Violence and Teenagers

Essex County District Attorney Jonathan W. Blodgett released the following video to help young people recognize the signs of abuse in a dating relationship:

For more information, contact the National Teen Dating Abuse helpline at 1-866-331-9474, or visit them online at To locate the domestic violence agency that serves your area, contact SafeLink at 1-877-785-2020, or visit them at

Child Safety Seats P.S.A

The Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, through the Highway Safety Division, has recently produced an important PSA about child safety seats. During the winter months, children in car seats are often buckled in wearing heavy gear. However, this could prove dangerous and increase the risk of injury in a crash because the seatbelt is not as close to the child. This PSA is designed to remind parents and caregivers to buckle their children in without heavy coats, and then put them on when they go outside.


The following video is from

Pedestrian Safety

This project is a collaboration between the Boston Police Department, MassDOT, WalkBoston, and other public agencies from across Massachusetts.

Bicycle Safety

The following video is from

Social Networking Tips

The following video is also from, a great resource for parents and kids.